And rest more than you think you should
Accept that your body needs rest
This technique is easy and straightforward: when in doubt, rest. Your body needs it. Rest might include taking naps, doing deep relaxations, various types of meditations, or laying in bed being a bit bored. To do it right, you probably should not try to watch TV or movies or let yourself get distracted too much, though as with all other techniques, listen to what you’re body needs. Sometimes, what your nervous system needs will be distraction, although for those times, I recommend distractions that are emotionally gentle. For example, I binged The Great British Bake Off repeatedly. The key thing is not to feel like you need to push yourself too hard with anything or stress your nervous system unnecessarily.
If you can’t rest as much as you think your body needs, just do what you can and try not to stress out about not being able to rest more. I also found practices like yoga nidra to be really helpful when I needed a break, but couldn’t take a lot of time off.
Learn more
In the articles below, I dive deeper into topics, tools, and techniques regarding this component of healing. This is where I share what I did to heal and where I’ll add updates as I learn new information on these issues. So make sure to look through these posts as well.
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